Sunday, September 14, 2014

Oakland Museum of California

We were at Oakland Museum of California.
This museum is about history, art, and natural history of California.
It is in Oakland, 10 minutes from Berkeley.

This is a pond in the museum. There are turtles and fish in this pond. 

This is a Grizzly Bear. Grizzly bears are extinct in 1920s. But this one is in the museum. Grizzly bear is also on the California flag for people to know what they have done to grizzly bears.

In the Natural History section, we can see California animals hunting for food. 

 These are some bones. 

We are inside the base of the redwood tree. You can find more information about the redwoods in our visit to Samuel P. Taylor state park.

These are the rings of the redwoods. The more lines there are, the older the tree is,
Each line means one year.

We are making videos. Please scroll down to find the animation that we made. 

Pine cones can grow as big as the ones you can see in this picture!

Can you see termites?

Here are some pictures under the sea.

Here are the fossils on the dinosaur bones from the past. 

In the History section of the museum, we saw a lot of things. 

Here is a piano that you can hear lots of sounds from different things such as a piano, a door bell, a dinner bell, and etc. 

 Noodles are bad for birds!!!

Check out our videos!!

1 comment:

  1. Nisacim, great photos. I feel like I am travelling around Berkeley with you:)) How come noodles are bad for birds? And I agree with Devrim, post your mom's photos, too. I am teaching something about animals and it is always nice to learn more about them and their environment. Miss you all
