Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive.... Life Sciences Building on UC Berkeley Campus

Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive

We went to Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive. There was a kids club in the museum. There was a little cave there.

At the kids club, we used dough and some materials to make arts. It was a little sticky.

This was my art. It was Turkish art.

This belonged to Sina.

The BIGGGGG pile of dough that we used to make our work.

Life Sciences Building on UC Berkeley Campus

After the Art Museum, we crossed the street to Berkeley campus.
In the Life Sciences Building, there were many dinosaur skulls and bones! 

Shhhh!! There is a library here!

This was a real T-Rex skeleton fossils but it was a cast.
They made a cast and gave to Berkeley to honor the UC Berkeley professor who found it.

Reading in the library.. shhhhh...

My dad's office is in this brown building.

1 comment:

  1. Great Turkish art, Nisa! And I like that dinosaur.
    Was that a statue of Mark Twain?
    And that is a very nice office for your dad -
    he must be working very hard!
