Thursday, December 11, 2014

FALL 2014

Fall is cold and windy.
But we like fall because we carve pumpkins, dress up in costumes, and go trick or treating. 

Carving our first pumpkin

Carving pumpkin is dirty but fun. First, we went to a pumpkin patch to pick out our pumpkin.

There was a pumpkin patch near our home, so we went there. They had one giant pumpkin there but we didn't buy it. It was too big.


There were so many to choose but we picked this one!

Before we carved, we had to draw the face. 

My mom carved the face for us.

After we carved, it looked like this! We also roasted the pumpkin seeds. They were delicious.

We learned that once we carved the pumpkin, a few days later the pumpkin got bad. 

Like THIS!! Ewwwwww....


Getting costumes

It was very hard to pick the right costume because there were sooooo many to choose from.
At the end, I picked Princess Aurora. Sina picked Captain America.

At school, we had a parade. All students and some teachers dressed up in costumes. 

Then we paraded around the school so everyone could see each other's costumes. 
It rained so it was wet. But I had fun!

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