Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Rosa Parks Elementary School

The day before school..

We went to the New Students Welcome Party. It was really great. We played in the school playgrounds. The school gave us a backpack and school supplies. They were so kind! There is a vegatable garden next to my classroom. There is a beehive there.

The school gave me all these!

Kinder's playground.. Sina plays here.

the school garden

First day of school..

I couldn't sleep last night. I was really excited for school.
After we woke up, Sina and I got ready for school. We wore Rosa Parks t-shirt and carried our Rosa Parks backpack to school.


This is Sina's classroom. My classroom is right behind his!

I had breakfast at school but the cereal was too sweet. I didn't like it.

Sina and his teacher.

There are 21 students in my class. 

I felt good today. I think I can sleep tonight.

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