Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Rosa Parks Elementary School

The day before school..

We went to the New Students Welcome Party. It was really great. We played in the school playgrounds. The school gave us a backpack and school supplies. They were so kind! There is a vegatable garden next to my classroom. There is a beehive there.

The school gave me all these!

Kinder's playground.. Sina plays here.

the school garden

First day of school..

I couldn't sleep last night. I was really excited for school.
After we woke up, Sina and I got ready for school. We wore Rosa Parks t-shirt and carried our Rosa Parks backpack to school.


This is Sina's classroom. My classroom is right behind his!

I had breakfast at school but the cereal was too sweet. I didn't like it.

Sina and his teacher.

There are 21 students in my class. 

I felt good today. I think I can sleep tonight.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Berkeley Public Library

Mommy took me to the library. My library card is beautiful and it has a tie-dye design. There are 5 different designs you can choose from.  They told me I could borrow 50 books!! But I didn't. I only borrowed 10 this time. Sina and I could also check out our books by ourselves. It was so cool!

San Francisco

We went to San Francisco. We saw lots of sea lions. We learned the differences between sea lions and seals. For example, sea lions have ears, but seals just have holes for thier ears.
Sea lions can walk, but seals cannot.

We ate Japanese food for lunch. It was yummy!

We also saw Lombard Street. 

Daddy took us to the beach where you can see the Golden Gate Bridge. It was so windy. 

We also went to the Palace of Fine Arts. There was a wedding there. 

Then we drove across the bridge. 

Our First Day in Berkeley

We woke up early and started to have fun.

I walked around the house and found one lemon tree and one apple tree. The apples were really big. Some lemons were yellow and some were green.

We walked passed BART station and we went to Cafe Yesterday for breakfast. I liked the place and the hot chocolate there. I saw a library. Mommy told me I can borrow a lot of books there. I am so excited and happy.

We rented a car and drive around. We had lunch at Rubio's. It was my first time eating fish and shrimp tacos. Sina and I loved them!

On our way home from lunch, we slept in the car. Sina slept from 2 pm until the next morning. I woke up when we arrived at home and played a little bit. I fell asleep at 5 pm and woke up at 2 in the morning. I was hungry so I had my dinner at 3:30 am. Mommy told me I was having a jet lag.

Our flights...

We had a lot of fun on our flights. First, we went to Munich, Germany. The second plane took us to Los Angeles. We chewed a LOT of chewing gum so, our ears didn't have air in them. From Los Angeles we flew to San Francisco.

It took us 27 hours to get from our Bilkent home to our home in Berkeley.